High nitrogen depositions accelerate the release of asbestos fibres


The high nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands not only causes problems for the agricultural sector and the construction sector, but especially increased health risks for citizens. Due to too much precipitation of nitrogen oxides and ammonia our soil is acidifying. The acidification also corrodes the asbestos roofs. This means an additional risk for anyone who still has an asbestos roof on his home, barn or business.

Acidification leads to the acceleration of the degradation of the asbestos roofing sheets, thereby increasing the release of asbestos fibres. Knowing, as we do, that asbestos roofs contain not only the white chrysotile asbestos, but also the dangerous types of brown amosite asbestos and blue crocidolite asbestos, we cannot look away and pretend that these risks can be overlooked. The certainty of more than 1,000 asbestos related deaths per year and the likelihood of over 4,000 asbestos related deaths per year must be recognised and confronted.

It is therefore important that the government will not only look at the nitrogen policy in the coming weeks, but in conjunction also determine a new final date when all asbestos roofs in the Netherlands must be removed.